Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Teenage Reverb -Summit Demos (2010) / Isolation Tape Night (2010)

I absolutely love finding obscure bands with a lot of promise. Earlier this year, I predicted the rise of Blackbird Blackbird. Upon discovery, his last.fm profile had around 9000 plays; now it's peaking at around 161,000. Excuse my language, but holy shit! This guy is getting a ton of hype now, and I really hope he can continue with more success.

Moving on, my latest bandcamp find is Teenage Reverb. He's young, unknown, and he makes really great music; basically, a perfect candidate for my blog.

His music varies from beautiful ambient, to deerhunter-esque indie, relying heavily on bass at times and making use of synthesizers and other effects. The songs are short, but sweet, and at times cross experimental plains; all the while remaining perfectly refreshing to the listener.

Teenage Reverb's first two EP's are Summit Demos and Isolation Tape Night . You can download both, for free, at his bandcamp here. Or, you can stream both albums below.

<a href="http://teenagereverb.bandcamp.com/album/summit-demos">Where Did The Summer Go? (666) by Teenage Reverb</a>

<a href="http://teenagereverb.bandcamp.com/album/isolation-tape-night">Wintro by Teenage Reverb</a>

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