I've seen my fair share of metal fanboys. Unfortunately for the genre, it's overrun with power-metal obsessed nerds and neckbeards who find Cannibal Corpse to be "fucking hardcore".
Well fanboys, meet Nails.
It terms of the Brutal scale, this will surely pull off a 10. The harsh, growling vocals and the callous, whining guitar is just startling. Hell, I couldn't help but sit back a few times and stare off, wondering if I was actually listening to a song or rather some guy getting the piss beaten out of him.
The songs are short and punishing. There are hardly any breakdowns. At any moment where you think the song will stray off into a brief, lucid section, you'll be met with an abrupt wall of concentrated rage.
At only 15 minutes long, this album flies by. But that doesn't mean the impact isn't there. This is a must for fans of heavy shit.
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