The Lady Gaga "image" is hard to explain. On one hand, she's strangled the media with her bizarre costumes and outlandish performances. On the other, she's largely succeeded in creating catchy, well written pop tunes. "Born This Way", the self titled single from her upcoming album, is a mess of irritating breakdowns, uninspired lyrics, and (mostly) poor production.
This comes as a big surprise, not only because poor Gaga singles are uncommon, but mostly because of the huge amount of hype "Born This Way" has generated. You'd think that Gaga would have put more effort into the album's self-titled song, but instead, it comes across as a 20 minute brainstorm session with no real meaning. The hook is void of the "Gaga-synth" that is found on her first two studio releases, instead replaced by an abstract, guitar-like electronic sample that twinkles but never actually hits you head on.
On a whole, "Born This Way" is unusually empty. In fact, the song is almost entirely lead by Gaga's vocals; which, despite sounding completely fine, are spent by delivering a painfully PG-message of inner beauty and self admiration. Gaga sings "I'm beautiful in my way / 'Cause god makes no mistakes / I'm on the right track baby / I was born this way". Yeah, nothing special here, and when you add in the boring instrumentation and lacking hook, you got yourself a real stinker.
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