Deerhunter, Deertick, Deerhoof, and now Deerpeople. At this point, I think the deer should just be retired by indie bands. I honestly do believe that there are like two hipsters in some underground bunker hard at work trying to figure out the next ironic animal (considering Bear, Deer, Mouse, and Panda are all pretty much taken)... But hey, maybe that's just me....
Anyways, here's some awesome, free, indie rock for you. Nothing wrong with that! Go here to stream/purchase the debut EP from this Oklahoma indie band.
They also have a pretty sweet deal where, for only 5 dollars, you can have the CD shipped right to you, with custom artwork by the band and even a personal letter! Sounds like a pretty sweet deal, and at the rate this album is growing on me, I might have to check that out.
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